Back Pain Relief System:

  • Exercises for Back, no mater, sore or not.
  • Cervical herniated disc treatment.
  • Slipped disc treatment and herniated disc exercises.
  • How to achieve the back pain relief - natural way.
  • Exercises for people with back problems, or those, who want to avoid these problems in future.

An Introduction

Back Pain Relief System: : Exercises for Back Problems, 
						cervical herniated disc treatment, slipped disc treatment and herniated disc exercises.
						How to achieve natural back pain relief and to heal herniated disc.

First of all, the "back" can be sore for countless reasons. There is no such thing as universal back ache remedies.

Second, it is a very sensitive area, for example, herniated disc pain can be very acute. If you do something wrong, the consequences can be very serious. Contact your family doctor, make sure whatever you do is approved by someone who is qualified to make advices in this area.

This was your fare warning, in addition to a disclaimer. I used these natural back pain relief exercises, I found them useful. As the matter of fact, I was able to resume my martial arts classes after I did these back exercises. However, YOU are responsible for your health, not me. Use your own judgment, ask your local medical authorities. Consider this book as my personal notes, and not as recommendations.

OK, now when the legal issues are out of the way...

Back Exercises for Pain Relief: What is it?

In this booklet, you will find illustrated descriptions of the natural back pain relief exercises, the kind of herniated disc yoga, that can be used to bring to more or less "normal" life people with back pain problems. It includes protruding disc, and also the later stages of protrusion - cervical ruptured disc problems.

It is ideal for treatment of osteochondrosis, and can, to some extent, replace massage therapy, plus it provides the necessary support as muscles become stronger.

It may - in case your doctor approves - help with treating slipped disc problems and cervical spinal stenosis, the efficiency of a treatment depends on a particular case, but usually it is very good.

The Back Pain Relief System proved useful for pinched nerve relief, though it is advisable to fix the problem first, and then to use exercises to make sure it will not return.

It definitely can be used in many cases of back injury treatment, as it is designed in such way, that it is very difficult to misuse.

Sore back muscles and back muscle spasms can be treated with this system as well as generic low back problems, middle back problems and neck pain relief. .

...and so on. You will notice, that the exercises are designed in such way, that the back is always supported by the surface (the floor, your hands...). It is a very "gentle" yet efficient set of exercises.

Exercises for Back Problems: What will it do?

It will stretch and to some degree fortify the muscles and ligaments of your back. Technically, this set of exercises, if performed daily, should be able to solve most of the problems people have with their back. Of course, there can be no guarantees.

Is it for back pain and back problems only: Who should use it?

Anybody, who does not have enough exercises for their back, provided, their doctor approved it. Besides, as my personal experience proves, people who are doing a lot of exercises, without paying attention to the back and neck area, may at some point need it, too.

Spinal Cord Problems: A little bit about our back

As you probably know, we have the backbone. It is composed of the vertebrae and disks. The disk is made of elastic tissue and sometimes can rapture. There are nerves that go from the spinal cord to internal organs, and sometimes they can get pinched when discs and vertebrae move away from their normal position.

OK, this was a very low-details picture, if you want more details, you can always find them online or in the local doctor's office. Now let's talk about the reasons for our back problems.

First of all, we all have some genetic flaws. Some are little and you will never even know you have them. Some are very serous, like the Bechterev's disease, that can, if you overlook it, completely block your back, making it "unbendable". However, if the problem is found at the early stage, it is usually possible to at least slow down the degradation of the backbone by using some sort of degenerative disc disease treatment. Usually, if the problem is catched early, the disease can be stopped, and as long as the patient "behaves responsively", it would not progress.

Sometimes it is a trauma, back injury or neck injury. A car accident is a good example. The muscles around our neck are not very strong, at least in most people. When the car is hit from behind, the head "wipes" back, however the muscles are not fast enough to follow. They hold the head in a steady position. Now imagine that you have some force, pushing (more like hitting) your forehead back, while your muscles, located on the front side of your neck, are resisting. As the result, not only those muscles will get traumatized, but also the pressure will go DOWN. It can create significant pressure on the neck disks, and result in protruding disc or even cervical ruptured disc.

Third, it is our life style. Let's take a look at a typical software developer. Is he sitting in front of his computer the way IBM recommends (IBM had some studies, and published the results on their web site long time ago)? No. His back is bent and twisted, and his shoulders are up. To make things worse, he maintains this position for hours, day after day.

Now, keep in mind, that our body is an energy saving device. To have shoulders up means to spend energy to keep corresponding muscles contracted. Then, at some point, our body "notices" that the muscle does not work - it is ALWAYS contracted. What happens next? The body makes sure the energy is not spent for nothing. It creates fibers of connecting tissue in this muscle, sort of ropes, to hold the body part in place without any energy spent.

The problem is there, but it takes some time for a person to notice it. Then some day he is asked to lift a piano, or maybe, a loud sound makes him to turn faster and further, than he usually does. And the fiber breaks. That's when people start screaming.

First of all, it is VERY painful. And it will hurt for few days, even if you use anti-inflammatory drugs. What is even worse, this sort of things creates a positive feedback loop. Pain is a signal to our body, that something bad happened. To protect the damaged area (we are mostly talking about the neck and back here!) the muscles around the vertebrae will go to a spasm, resulting in back muscle spasm (or neck muscle spasm. And the spasm creates chemicals that provoke... more spasm. Lactic acid, for example. In addition, the blood flow in a spasmed muscle is affected, too, so the chemicals are staying there, accumulating to high concentrations. And it hurts even more.

Finally, as if we didn't have enough, the body "notices" the energy consuming muscle that does nothing (there is no moves involved in spasm), so new fibers of connecting tissue are growing again, creating the foundation for the future problems.

To my knowledge, the third reason of the back problems is way more common then genetic and traumatic ones together.

That is why back exercising and stretching is so important.

Few more scary details. What exactly does it mean "the muscles around the backbone are is spasm"? First of all, there are large muscles, that may have connecting tissue fibers in them. And yes, they can go to spasm (sudden neck/shoulder pain is an example), but it does not happen very often. However we also have little muscles, that are located close to the disk, surrounding it. They can go to spasm and stay there.

Second, there are no blood vessels in our disks. All the nutrition they get comes by the diffusion, from the surrounding tissues. When the muscles around the vertebrae are in spasm, the diffusion decreases, and the disk deterioration increases, accordingly. Same thing happens if those muscles are weak, undeveloped, and are not moving enough (moving the tissues is another way to bring nutrition to the disk, that's why massage therapy is so useful in some cases of back pain problems).

As the result of the malnutrition, the disk degenerates, and at some point it can crack.

Third, the muscles are not "just contracted". They are attached to the bones, and they pull. They are compressing the disk, by pulling the vertebrae towards each other. If the disk has cracks, its inner, semi-liquid core can be squeezed outside, it presses against the spinal cord or nerves that go from the spinal cord, and creates all sorts of problems, from cold hands to protruding disc, ruptured disc and in some cases, death.

The easiest way to avoid all those problems is to do back exercises. Not at random, no. If you do weightlifting, it will probably only make things worse. You need to stretch muscles - the more stretched they are, the less vertical pressure they create on the backbone, and the easier the nutrition can reach the disk. Also, you need to exercise right muscles. The weightlifting mentioned above will only straighten large muscles (ones we use to lift weights), but not small muscles, that keep the vertebrae together, preventing such things as slipped disc problems.

And you need to build these muscles, as they will create a framework, protecting and supporting your backbone.

The following set of exercises was created for this purpose. It is not just the exercises for back problems but also exercises to avoid back problems. Just make sure your doctor approved it. I know I am repeating myself, but that is only because I know how much damage an average person can do to his/her health. Most probably, your doctor will approve, as those exercises are safe. They were designed to be safe.

Natural Back Pain Relief: Before you begin

The exercises should be done every day, or at least every second day. Do not do it on the floor, unless it is a carpet, use some kind of soft surface, about 5 mm thick. The best possible option is so-called "yoga mattress" available from some sport suppliers.

Do not overcome the pain. If the exercise feels uncomfortable, consult your doctor and DO NOT do this particular exercise. Remember, the pain is a signal, like a "low oil" light on your car's panel. What will happen if you ignore it?

The exercises for back problems are organized in sections, by the initial position: on your back, on your side and so on. It is better to do them in this order, but you can change the order if you want.

During the exercises, move slowly, as this is not the aerobics, but rather stretching. Never push over your limit.

Each exercise should be done few times, usually "few" means 6-8-10-12, (depending on your physical condition and time you have), unless another number of repetitions is mentioned.

The number of exercises in this booklet is more that you can do in one set, unless you dedicate all your time to it. Technically speaking, you don't have to do them all. Choose about 15 exercises, covering all initial positions, and do them. It is better to drop some exercises from time to time, and to include new ones.

Usually, people choose what feels better for them. However, there is a problem here, you should know about. When you begin, almost any exercise will feel odd. Then, at some point, you suddenly realize, how to do it, and it feels "right". So give it a chance. Rotate the exercises.

Each exercise has little "notes". Make sure you are following them precisely. For example, "lift your leg" and "lift your leg, but do not bend your back" are totally different exercises, involving different groups of muscles. In most cases, if you ignore those little notes, you will have no effect from the exercise AT ALL.

To read more, please refer to the eBook below.

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